Monday, November 25, 2019

Last Days of 1st Semester!

Please look below to view the rest of our 1st semester pacing.
December 11th is the last day to take or re-take a 1st semester test. 

Monday, November 18, 2019

Computer Science Mini Conference

Please click HERE to discover the different sessions that will be offered during our 1st Computer Science Mini Conference here at North. You will be attending this conference during our math class on the Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving break. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about something that could become an exciting career path for you! When you have chosen your two sessions, sign up for them at the end of the linked presentation above, or HERE.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Ch 4 Practice Opportunity!

Several students found that using the Pre-Calc DELTA MATH to practice their skills in Ch 3 was very helpful to their understanding and retention.

Why not give it a try for  all of the Trig in Ch 4?

Click HERE for the delta math link. Our class code is: 259855.