The complete unit is below. Start with watching the first video. On a blank sheet of paper label "Rev #1 Video Notes" at the top and write your notes from the video. Draw a line under your notes and label the next part "Work from Delta Math UMSL Req #1", showing your work under that. Continue that process until you have reached the end of the Rev #6 video. Then do the Paper Quad assignment, then the practice test Paper Part, then follow that with showing your work as you do the Delta Math practice test. Finally, complete the Delta Math test and show your work on paper. Everything needs to be clearly labeled and legible. All Delta Math assignments (including Test) are due by 8:00 am Oct 5th. Your stapled pages of notes and work need to be turned in by 10/5 for 3rd blk and 10/6 for 2nd and 6th blks.
Rev #1: Linear Functions VIDEO + Delta Math UMSL Req #1
Rev #2: Systems Using Sub and Elim VIDEO + Delta Math UMSL Req #2
Rev #3: MATRICES + ADD and SUBT + Mult VIDEOS + Delta Math UMSL Req #3
Rev #4: Matrix Inverse + Solve Sys w/ Matrices VIDEOS + Delta Math UMSL Req #4
Rev #5: Systems of Inequal VIDEO + Delta Math Ex Video + Delta Math UMSL Req #5
Rev #6: Solving Quad Eqs VIDEO + Paper Assignment + KEY
Practice Test: Paper Part + KEY + Delta Math Practice Test
Delta Math TEST (independent test - retakes allowed)