Please make sure to read the email I sent on Monday outlining how we will move forward as we learn our next unit - Conic Sections. Although this blog has video tutorials, power points, and keys that focus on Conic Sections, I believe that trying to learn in this way without any in-class time would be too difficult and frustrating. I spent a lot of time looking at different options, and chose to set up a classroom within Khan Academy. Many of you have already started! Please pace yourselves. I will upload the assignment for next week at the end of this week. Each week's assignments will be due on Sunday. I have updated our pacing guide to reflect our current reality. Please email me with any initial questions or concerns. I'll get back with you quickly. I will also be setting up regular times when my different classes may contact me virtually (probably through Google Meet). I'll communicate that schedule soon through this blog and school email.
Stay safe and well.