Conics have their own language, their own nuances, their own particulars.
And what are conics anyways??? They will be our focus in the two weeks
leading up to our Spring Break. There are four of them, by the way. Four
different types of Conics, each begging to be known, each requiring from us
some memorization and some willingness to think flexibly.
Sounds like good practice for most anything in life - an understanding of truths
and a willingness to use them in ways to solve problems and expand our minds.
So here's to the next two weeks with Conics :)
We are so fortunate to be able to spend our time being challenged by and
improved from our time with them.
And what are conics anyways??? They will be our focus in the two weeks
leading up to our Spring Break. There are four of them, by the way. Four
different types of Conics, each begging to be known, each requiring from us
some memorization and some willingness to think flexibly.
Sounds like good practice for most anything in life - an understanding of truths
and a willingness to use them in ways to solve problems and expand our minds.
So here's to the next two weeks with Conics :)
We are so fortunate to be able to spend our time being challenged by and
improved from our time with them.